Category: Design courses

Online course „How to modify a children´s room"


Online course „How to modify a children´s room” will teach you in a few steps about the basics of good furniture layout, how to choose color schemes (which colors for which kid, what do I want to resolve – what is my child like), how to create drawing of a room´s ground plan and select from various materials. Within a month after finishing this course, you are eligible to one 40- minute long pre-agreed online consultation about your modifications for free.

Price : 999,-


Children´s room modification: from toddlers to adolescents, everyone needs a different space for positive development and successful future. We can affect such issues as hyperactivity and aversion or inability to learn. We can also support good relations in the school (bullying, relationship with a teacher, parents and so on) and, most of all, health and a positive development of child´s personality.

Children deserve special treatment as they can be divided in to at least four groups.

First group consists of babies, which are either about to be born or were born already. They can be in the room or some other common space with their parents until they reach so called nursery age, if their parents don´t want them to have their own room sooner. Nursery age is the first major breaking point in child´s development; child should get his own room to support his growth.

Second group represents children in the school age. Little first grader should already have his room adapted to studying.

Another breaking point comes when a child becomes adolescent and starts attending high school. And once again, when he goes to the college or applies for his first job. It´s necessary to pay a lot of attention to modifying the room for your child, and sometimes it can even get quite expensive. But if you follow some simple rules, you can succeed in preserving their furniture from elementary school right until the college. All you have to do is buy some accessories from time to time or adjust colors, which does not ruin one´s budget.

Details of the course:

Course focuses on how to modify a children´s room, design and so on, but also energies of the room. Online course runs at the prearranged date via computer (you need a computer, a headphones, an internet connection and a quiet moment :-)).

You don´t have to travel anywhere.

In order to arrange opening of the course, it´s necessary that there are at least five applicants interested in the same date. The date will be proposed by telephone or e-mail. The price includes one personal consultation via Skype, which will focus directly on your questions about your children´s room. This consultation in 30-minute duration can be arranged within 30 days after the course ends.

PRICE:               999,-Kč.



If you are interested in this course, call us or write us.

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