Category: Design courses

Design course – apartment modification: Restyling

Design course – apartment modification: Restyling

Design course „How to modify an apartment“ focuses on the basic restyling features, such as furniture layout, old furniture renovation, completion with decorations, use of materials, color scale, basic drawing of a ground plan and creation of a design board.

Price : 2300,-


Why to choose this course

Do you want to understand the design restyling, its advantages and pitfalls? You´ll learn how to arrange your household practically and beautifully, the basics of an apartment layout and the layout of its rooms, and how to use colors.
You will be introduced to the basic understanding of architectural blueprints; you will create your design board.

Who is this course for

For everyone, who wants to change his household, who is planning to move, or wants to work in the field of design and broaden his horizons.

Goal of the course

To introduce you to the basics of interior restyling and design.

Course content

Introduction to the design restyling
Apartment, layout of its rooms
Understanding the drawing of a ground plan
Color scale and the differentiation of colors
Materials, wood, textiles, decorations
Creating your own ground plan sketch
Creating your own design board

At the end there will be time for your questions.

Duration of the course: approximately 4 teaching hours (with 2 breaks for refreshment)

Date of the course:

Opening: on agreement
Morning, afternoon and evening options.
Studio of Ivana Visičová
V Holešovičkách 33, Praha 9 - Libe, if the classes would be relocated somewhere else, you would be informed in advance.
The date is agreed in accordance with the availability of each applicant, the course is opened after it reaches the minimal number of applicants interested in the same date.
As soon as you buy the course, you should discuss the date with us (if you want to give this course as a present, give us a call, you will receive a gift voucher, which may be use within next 6 months.)
Price : 2300 Kč
Special price: 1680 Kč
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