Category: Happy Home

Happy Home for individuals


I would like to introduce to you the Happy Home project. After many years of experience with realties, I have created the new system that works specially with places and properties built in our region. It is based on modifying your home or business venue so that it contributes to your success. This project has commercial and also noncommercial usage. In apartments, houses or chalets it respects the main principles of Feng Shui, but it also uses knowledge of traditions and influences in Czech Republic.

As opposite to Feng Shui, which works mostly with the eastern themes that cannot be always fully used in our environment, Happy Home is conceived to influence various good and bad influences in our Czech basin.

Among other things, Happy Home eliminates troubles with the astral entities in ň houses, properties or on estates. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, after all those years I´ve spent selling properties and working with the energies I have encountered various problems caused by the presence of so called astrals.

In those places where these creatures reside – you can call them spirits or energies, which harm your health, love matters, wealth- it´s necessary to cancel their forces. Not only good things happen in a properties, sometimes you can come across a place where someone committed suicide or was murdered. Very specific are houses or estates standing upon old cemeteries or near them and so on.

These influences affect our lives. However, it´s possible to reduce these effects and, in most cases, we can even completely eliminate them.

Thanks to the studies of eastern philosophy, various researches and work with energies, I have gradually completed very ample and compact system, which uses eastern teachings together with experiences of our ancestors, Celtic teachings, nature and energies that surround us. Under this system you can adapt your spaces so that they will be to the benefit of you. And this is how the Happy Home style, which I am introducing to you now, was created. Experiences of our ancestors, experience with Czech Republic and its traditions, work with the astrals and energies, couching of sales representatives and experiences with marketing, interior design – a mixture of this all allows me to help you adjust your home or business venue so that you can reside in a “Happy Home”.

Further on, I work with people, which reside in the apartment, house or some other space. Commonly I need to learn some important information such as their birth dates and some others. I talk to each of them about what is important to him, which direction is he going in his life, what does he enjoy, which colors does he like… It´s not always possible to synchronize the family completely but in most cases it is possible to modify the house so that it will accommodate all of them.

For example, if this service would be ordered by the lady of the house and I would be adapting the place solely for her, rest of the family would not be feeling good in it. That doesn´t mean I would not take the lady of the house in account. I will try to prioritize her requirements as much as possible. But at the same time it´s important to engage the whole family into the process so that they could all function in unity.

























Children´s rooms

Children´s room design and the “Happy Home” energy


Do you want not only beautiful but first of all practical room for your kid?

Modification of children´s rooms: from toddlers to adolescents, everyone needs a different space for positive development and successful future. We can affect such issues as hyperactivity and aversion or inability to learn. We can also support good relations in a school (bullying, relationship with a teacher, parents and so on) and, most of all, health and a positive development of child´s personality. At the same moment we will also support kid´s sensibility towards music, sport, or some other hobbies, positive relationships in the family or between the siblings, and many other aspects of lives of the most important people in the world – our children!

How does this service proceeds?

If the room is located in Prague, I will personally come to see it. In the case it is located somewhere else, I will ask for photographs and details. Then we are going to discuss what do you, parents, expect and what is expecting your child, in the case he or she speaks already. And, of course, we will also talk about your financial capabilities to reconstruct or refurbish the room. We always work with the data specific for the particular children and parents. I use new design in accordance with the current offers, capabilities and wishes of both, parents and children. The service includes basic analysis of energies in the room, insight into the proper layout of various objects and basic analysis of the furniture layout. In the case you would like to extend this service, the final price will always be calculated personally for the specific client, possibly even with the recommendations for craftsmen or suppliers as a turnkey project.

Home offices

See Business Happy Home

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