Happy Home

Happy Home je technika, která využívá znalosti Feng Shui, okolních vlivů apod.Úprava vašeho bydlení či podnikání tak, aby Vám neškodilo.
Nabízíme také kurzy Happy Home.

What is „Happy Home“?

Happy Home consists of a range of services including zone detection, buildings correction, removal of negative influences in the housing, harmonizing of surroundings or even personal analysis of individuals / employees. These procedures are based on many years of experiences gained in the field of real estate, working with energies and esoteric teachings.


This service can be arranged from searching or mediating of the housing itself, we can also provide legal services related to the sale or purchase of the property.

This service is fit especially for conditions in the Czech Republic. Are you asking why? The positive symbols and energies in Czech Republic are a little bit different from those abroad. That´s why they need to be supported by different precautions than are those practiced in, for example, Chinese Feng Shui (even though we use many of its steps towards recognizing different zones). The specific style of adjustments and subsequent treatment are then designed exclusively for the particular person, house, locality or business. In order to live and do business happily, your housing or business venue cannot go against you or be negatively set. 

Who is Happy Home for?

Public, families: 

  • You are single and lonely, you have problems in your partnership, problems with parents or children (hyperactivity, relations), you argue with your neighbors,
  • You don´t sleep well, you have lengthy health issues,
  • You have a ghost in your house, strange things are happening in the building,
  • You are building a new home or moving…

Entrepreneurs, companies: 

  • You are starting a new business or branch office, you are moving or building a new venue, 
  • There are bad relations in your working society, your employees are fluctuating too much,
  • Unreliable employees - contractors, 
  • Few clients, small earnings, problems with loans,
  • Bad location, small space,
  • Problems with neighbors, authorities, building approval