Design courses

Apartment design course

„Apartment design"course focuses on the basic design features, such as furniture layout, use of materials – textiles, floors, painting, color schemes, basic drawing of a ground plan and creation of a design board.

Online course: Design – apartment modification:

Design course – apartment modification: Restyling

Design course „How to modify an apartment“ focuses on the basic restyling features, such as furniture layout, old furniture renovation, completion with decorations, use of materials, color scale, basic drawing of a ground plan and creation of a design board.

Online course „How to modify a children´s room"

Online course „How to modify a children´s room” will teach you in a few steps about the basics of good furniture layout, how to choose color schemes (which colors for which kid, what do I want to resolve – what is my child like), how to create drawing of a room´s ground plan and select from various materials. Within a month after finishing this course, you are eligible to one 40- minute long pre-agreed online consultation about your modifications for free.